Thursday, October 15, 2009


We are baking like crazy, this Sunday 1-6 at Meredith's. Have flour, sugar, etc. you would like to donate? Need directions or a ride? Let us know! Email

We will have the bake sale this coming week... We need volunteers to come sit & sell our fun & informative cookies & chocolate pops! Dates & Times:
Monday October 19th 11:30-3pm
Tuesday October 20th 5-8pm
Wednesday October 21st 11:30-4pm


Friday October 23rd 6-8pm in Student Union room 335
Co-hosting with MAMA (mother’s achieving more academically)
Dress as your favorite gender equity hero
Games, food, contests
We are also accepting food and decoration donations

Thursday, October 29th @ 6:45 in CAS 135
Come & enjoy the movie MISERY in preparation for Halloween
Some free popcorn, followed by a discussion of the film!

General Meeting Minutes October 7th

Present: Meredith Clark (President), Lindsay Newton (Vice President), Katie Riffle (Communications Chair), Valerie Cosner (VOX Committee Chair)

  1. Welcome (Meredith)
    1. Thanks for coming
    2. Introductions
    3. Please fill out signup sheet
  2. Address Change in Board (Meredith)
    1. Explain that there were some issues with the former board but the new board is excited to really get going with the group
    2. Open positions provide opportunity for new board members, if interested please e-mail us or talk with us after the meeting

i. Treasurer

ii. Secretary

  1. Take Back the Night (Meredith)
    1. March to spread awareness about violence against women, will be outside (potentially very cold/wet) so dress appropriately, childcare available
    2. Friday October 9th 6-9pm Firestone Park Community Center at 1480 Girard Street

i. Valerie

ii. Kandra

    1. Carpool option

i. Women’s Studies Office, Schrank North 58 leaving at 5:30pm

ii. Anyone available to assist with carpool?? Need to be outside office by 5:15pm with car and directions

iii. Flyers available online for all who are interested

iv. There will be a LIP Service table at the event, for those who are interested in assisting please let me know

  1. VOX Committee (Meredith introduces Valerie)
    1. Introduce Valerie Cosner, our new VOX committee chair who is collaborating with us from Planned Parenthood
    2. Valerie describes relationship to Planned Parenthood, what VOX is, the goals of VOX

i. to advocate for women’s health

ii. Prevention First Legislation

    1. Describe and pass out cards to fill out, option of members taking some with them
    2. Discuss Youth Summit on October 17th
    3. Discuss Bar Hop November 13th or 14th

i. Goals

ii. Those who can be involved

  1. Announce National Coming Out Day (Lindsay)
    1. October 11th, 2009
    2. Discuss events and pamphlets

i. Saturday LGBT 700 East Exchange

ii. 17th Mocha Maiden 7-9pm 18th

  1. Bake Sale (Lindsay)
    1. Baking Day Sunday October 18th 1-6pm at 1229 Gaylan Drive in Cuyahoga Falls

i. Baking and packaging materials needed for donations to be dropped off in the women’s studies office by Friday October 17th by 3pm or at the above address on baking day

ii. Drop off donated goods by Friday 16th in Women’s Studies Office by 3pm

iii. Donation of pre-baked goods accepted as well

1. brownies

2. muffins

3. rice krispie treats

4. nothing with frosting

    1. Option of getting ride from campus to Cuyahoga Falls available, please let us know
    2. Actual Bake Sale coincides with Love Your Body Day
    3. Bake Sale Days in Olin Hall

i. Monday October 19th 11:30-3pm

ii. Tuesday October 20th 5-8pm

iii. Wednesday October 21st 11:30-4pm

    1. Volunteers needed for all times, please let us know
  1. Halloween Party (Katie)
    1. Friday October 23rd 6-8pm in Student Union room 335
    2. Dress as your favorite gender equity hero
    3. Co-hosting with MAMA (mother’s achieving more academically)
    4. Games, food, contests
    5. Also accepting food and decoration donations
    6. Anyone interested in assisting with creating games let us know
  2. Third Popcorn Discussion Night (Meredith)
    1. Thursday October 29th at 6:45pm in CAS 135
    2. Movie to be announced
  3. Concluding Remarks (Meredith)
    1. Thanks for coming
    2. Next general meeting Tuesday November 4th at 3:15pm Schrank North 58, see you there
    3. Any comments or questions from the members

i. Suicide by LGBT student, memorial service 7pm tonight outside library

ii. Kevin (ASG)

1. help with student government

2. travel, registration fees

3. marketing help

4. Lee Gill: chair of Diversity Council

a. Students will help influence policy

b. October 23rd

c. 1-4pm

d. Fill out sheet and hand into Kevin at ASG

    1. Pass around bake sale sign up both for cooking and table
    2. Discuss with future potential board members

i. Laura

ii. Arienne

iii. Vinny

1. credit hours

2. gender related courses

3. experience on board, group leadership

4. why you’d be good….

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Just a reminder:

Kimberly Dark @ EJ Thomas 730 this coming tuesday 9/22- it's free... please come!

Popcorn Discussion is "The Joy Luck Club" this thursday 9/24 @ 645 in the College of Arts and Sciences Building room 130

Our Facebook fan page is up and running! if you have facebook- please join us! If you have a problem finding it please message the LIP president (Shandi Olminsky) saying that you want to join the fan page & we'll get you there!

Also Please Welcome our new Treasurer Lindsay Newton!

Hope To See You Soon!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Your Opinions & Take Back The Night

At our member meeting last week some of the things we discussed were:
1. Bake Sales
2. Female Self Defense Class (presented by UAPD)
3. A.L.I.C.E training (presented by UAPD
4. Take Back the Night
5. Popcorn Discussions

1-For the bake sales (once we have established a set date) we are looking for outstanding individuals who will either be will to run the sale table AND/OR bake us some yummies (or at least go to the store and pretend that they are homemade). ALL baked good items do need to be individually wrapped- this is important for food safety issues and everything else.

2 & 3- Who would be interested in doing either of these amazing classes/trainings. Both are presented by the UAPD and are really good to know and informative- as well as FUN! We do need to have some idea of available times for members so that we can contact officer Chad to set up one of these- and we do want a good turn out!

4- Take Back the Night- Friday October 9th, 6pm-9pm at Firestone Park Community Center. Volunteers will be needed to assist in the event and to assist the Rape & Crisis Center people. We are also considering doing a car pool from campus to the TBTN location- if anyone is interested in riding in a car pool or caravan to the location- let us know.

5- For popcorn discussions- we are in need of some super-awesome individuals to help donate munchies and drinks for these future discussions. Any help would be great! Let us know if you are willing to help!

That is all for now- For any of these above- let us know if you have questions, suggestions, can help, or anything else. You can reply on this blog or email- whichever you prefer!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Another Great Event To Get Excited About!

What: Kimberly Dark,“Is that a Dude: Inside Lesbian Gender”
Where: EJ Thomas Hall Stage Door
When: Sept. 22
Time: 7:30 p.m.

Also keep in mind for next year- 2010!

Feb. 12 and 13, The Vagina Monologues at EJ Thomas Hall Stage Door

March 2, 7:30 p.m. Catie Curtis at EJ Thomas Hall Stage Door for Women’s History Month

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Save The Dates!

*Meetings at 3:15pm- to be held in Women's Studies Office
September 2nd
October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd

*Popcorn Discussion Nights at 6:45pm- all but the December date will be in the College of Arts & Sciences, Rm 130
August 27th
September 24th
October 29th
November 24th
December 10th

The locations of the discussions have not as of yet been established- however we will let you know as soon as it has!

We are also planning several other events throughout the semester,and more information on these will be posted. We will also be discussing and giving event reminders at our meetings- so stay tuned! :-)

See you all soon!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Presenting Your New 2009-2010 LIP Service Officers!

Hi all-
The ballots have been counted, and the new officers are in! The president is now Shandi... Vice is Melanie... Tresurer is Arianna... Secretary is Meredith... and Communications is Katie.

We've been gathering ideas all summer, and are eager to post the official events calendar real soon. We look forward to see every single one of you at the events. As always we are accepting new members- both female and male. Please don't hesitate to contact us at the email on the page with any questions regarding L.I.P. Service- the purpose of the group- general questions- etc!

See You Soon!
~LIP Services Officers

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

End-of-year Update

Hello everyone,

Just two bits of business to pass along today:

* New officer election -- some of you may have been wondering why you haven't heard anything yet about the election of new officers. That is because we didn't have enough nominees in each category to have an election, so unless folks express problems with this, the people who have accepted nominations will be considered the "winner" of the position for which they were nominated. We are grateful to these people for being willing to serve next year, and we're very excited to have them! These new officers will be announced at our end-of-year event. Which brings us to...

* End-of-year shindig -- we will be having our end of year shindig next week, **Wednesday April 29 at 4-6pm in CROUSE 209**. We will be having food (exactly what is still under consideration), announcing the new officers, honoring our most-involved members, reviewing all the great stuff we did from the past year, and discussing plans for the future. Please try to join us, and bring a friend!

If you have questions or concerns, please let us know. Otherwise, we'll see you next week!

The L.I.P. Service 08-09 executive board

Monday, April 6, 2009

ELECTION TIME and volunteers for tabling

Hi everyone,

For those of you who had volunteered to help with the L.I.P. Service Sexual Assault Awareness tabling, or those of you who were considering it, we *finally* have details to share! The tables are going to be on Tuesday April 14 and Tuesday April 21, both from 11am - 1pm in the Student Union. If you can help out by staffing the table during any/all of those times, just let us know and we'll give you more details!

It's now also time for us to elect our officers for the 2009-2010 school year! Here's the deal: if you are interested in running for office or would like to nominate one of your peers, please e-mail the group account ( @ with your nomination. The people who are nominated will be contacted and asked if they would like to accept the nomination and be included on the ballot. If you do accept the nomination, we would like you to reply with information on your major/year as well as a brief (e.g., 3-4 sentence total) comment about why you want to run for the position and what you would like to see L.I.P. Service do next year. We will be open for nominations until ONE WEEK FROM TODAY (April 13), after which time the ballot will be constructed. We will send an announcement once the ballot is ready and voting opens, with further instruction about the voting process.

Below you will see the listing of the different responsibilities associated with each officer position. In order to run for office, you need to have attended at least 2 L.I.P. Service events per semester; this is a requirement from our constitution. It's also important to note that there will be flexibility among the roles, depending upon what the elected officers decide amongst themselves. And finally, the elected officers will be required to attend a half-day retreat sometime during the second half of May in order to provide mentorship into the roles and allow a smooth transition from the current officers. If you have questions about the positions, the nomination process, or anything else election-related please let us know and we'll do our best to help. We look forward to receiving your nominations!

The L.I.P. Service Executive Board



¨ Run meetings

¨ Collaborate with other student organizations for events

¨ Assist with committees

§ Appointing committee chairs

§ Formulating ad-hoc committees

¨ Promoting the organization to campus community and potential new members

Vice President:

¨ Communicate with the SOURCE liaison

¨ Maintain membership roster

¨ Contact new members and familiarize them with the organization

¨ Promoting the organization to campus community and potential new members

¨ Completing other tasks assigned by President

¨ In the event the President can no longer serve his/her position, the Vice President will assume


¨ Have contact with the SOURCE on an as-needed-basis

¨ Properly complete and return necessary documents including the annual budget (contingency form)

¨ Handle organization’s monies

¨ Attend SOURCE’s training on finances/funding

¨ Assist committees with event planning

o Requesting partners in programming [application for a small grant for food for events, provided by University Dining Services]

o Making room reservations for events


¨ Record and distribute executive and general meeting minutes

¨ Track attendance of members at meetings and events

¨ Keep blog updated and send out announcements via email

¨ Check mailbox in the SOURCE

Monday, March 9, 2009

Women's History Month and Other Updates

Happy Women's History Month!! There is a huge amount of awesome events going on in celebration of WHM, and we wanted to make sure that everyone knew about them. There are two places you can go to get the details on all of the on-campus events:
There are a couple of things on the calendar to which we would like to draw your attention in particular. First, there is going to be a self-defense class offered on March 24 at 5:30-7:30pm in Memorial Hall 126. Although this class is not being sponsored by L.I.P. Service, we would like to make this an official group event by inviting everyone to attend and take part as a group. (And if you happen to have a L.I.P. Service t-shirt, it wouldn't hurt to wear that, too!) So, if you're free and you're interested in learning some self-defense tactics, come out and show some group spirit and get our treasurer, Shireda Duncan, to mark your membership card.

Another option for L.I.P. Service events for the month of March is to attend the workshops offered related to ending violence against women. These include one on March 24 at 6-7pm in SU 316 (if you're looking for an alternative to the self-defense class...) called "She Was Asking For It: Beliefs and Myths about Sexual Assault" and one on March 31 at 6-7pm in SU 316 called "Love Shouldn't Hurt." These events are technically being sponsored by the Counseling Center, but both workshops are being hosted by your very own L.I.P. Service president, which means that you can come out to either or both of these and get your membership card marked while engaging in some discussion about sexual assault and intimate partner violence.

Just as a heads up for the rest of the semester, our next month's event is going to focus on April as Sexual Assault Awareness month. We are going to be doing a fun, interactive information table in the Student Union sometime during the lunch rush (10am-2pm) during the week of April 13-17. We are still waiting to hear back on some details before this gets finalized, but if you're available any day that week during those times (or any time within the range of 10am-2pm) and you would like to help us staff our table and share information with the campus community about preventing sexual assault, please e-mail us and we'll let you know how you can help!

And finally, please mark your calendars now for our final event of the semester: Wednesday, April 29 at 4-6pm. Most of the details are still pending on this, but we will be using this time to announce the winners of the election of new officers (more details on that will be shared in the upcoming month), discuss the year, thank everyone for their involvement, and enjoy some food together! We hope that you'll be able to make it!

Be on the lookout for more information as we wrap up this semester, and don't forget to let us know if you're interested in volunteering! And please take part in some of the fantastic Women's History Month events on campus, whether they're L.I.P. Service related or not!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Event Announcement: Vagina Monologues -- Prior Awareness Events & Performances

1. "Until the Violence Stops" screening -- This Sundance documentary tells the story of how the Vagina Monologues grew into the V-Day organization. Come join us for the film, snacks, and conversation!

Date: Monday, February 9
Time: 4-7pm
Location: CAS 133

2. Teach-In on Violence Against Women in the Congo -- This event will offer information about the women of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the sexual violence that is used against them as a weapon of war in that nation's civil conflict. Discussion will be led by a panel of experts:

  • Wendy Lehman: MA in International Peace Studies and activist with Christian Peacemaker Teams working in the DRC
  • Dr. Timothy Scarnecchia: Assistant Professor of African History, Kent State University
  • Dr. Kirk Arden Hoppe: Associate Professor of African & World History, The University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Dr. TJ Boisseau: Associate Professor of Gender & Cultural History, The University of Akron
  • Rosa Githiora: MPA in public administration and UA graduate student specializing in gender-based violence in Africa

The campaign on behalf of Congolese women has been selected by V-Day to receive a portion of the profits from this year's performances of the Vagina Monologues. Come join us to learn about the experience of the women of the Congo and to enjoy some light refreshments.

Date: Friday, February 13
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Location: Student Union Theater

3. Vagina Monologues performances -- Doors open at 6:30pm with the program starting promptly at 7pm with a performance showcasing the talents of local belly dancers, Yelena Tarakova and Sarah Malak, and will be followed directly by the monologues. Festivities will also include a bake sale and fun V-day goodies available for purchase. The Clothesline Project, featuring T-shirts made by local survivors, will be on display both evenings. Advance tickets for the Vagina Monologues can be purchased through the Women's Studies Program office, located in Shrank Hall North, Room 58, Monday through Friday, 11:00am-5:00pm, or by calling 330-972-7008. Tickets are $12 for general admission and $8 for University of Akron affiliates (students, faculty, and staff) and are non-refundable. Tickets will also be available at the door before each performance.

Dates: Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February 14
Time: 7pm
Leigh Hall, John S. Knight Auditorium


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome to Spring Semester!

We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday break and that your spring semester has gotten off to a terrific start. We're ready to jump right in to another semester of activities and events, and we look forward to having you all involved as well! At the moment, much of L.I.P. Service's focus is on the upcoming production of the Vagina Monologues that is being put on by the Women's Studies program. L.I.P. Service is a co-sponsor of the production, which means that members can be involved in a number of ways:

1. Buy a t-shirt! The cost per shirt is $12. If you would like to order a shirt, please e-mail the group account ASAP (no later than Friday afternoon, at to give your size info, and you can bring the payment (cash or a check made out to Women's Studies) to the Women's Studies office at Schrank Hall North 58. There is a *really* short timeframe on this, so the sooner the better!

2. Volunteer to make baked goods! We had discussed at our December meeting about having a bake sale to help contribute to the Vagina Monologues, and people seemed excited about that idea. If you would like to donate some baked goods to sell at the performances, then first please e-mail us so we have a sense of how many people are volunteering and what they might be bringing. Once you've made your delicious treats, they need to be *individually wrapped (in plastic wrap or baggies)* and labeled (so people know what they're getting, if it has nuts in it, whatever). You can then bring these to the Women's Studies office on Friday, February 13, or to the performance itself at 6:30 on Friday or Saturday. When you volunteer, please let us know when you think you might be able to drop off the treats.

3. Volunteer to help out during the performances! In addition to the donation of baked goodies, we will need people to staff the table both nights to sell the treats, collect money, etc. We also need people who are willing to volunteer in general for some of the last-minute details of the performances -- doing things like chalking the sidewalk, directing people from the parking lot to the performance hall, ushering, handing out programs, and doing general troubleshooting tasks during the nights of the performances. If you are willing to commit to help in any capacity, please let us know via e-mail ASAP.

4. Donate some needed materials! This is a great way to help out if you're not baking-inclined and are unavailable during the nights of the performances. Our wish list of items includes baggies and plastic wrap (in case there are any issues with the baked goods) as well as air fresheners and/or Fabreeze (because the theatre smells a bit on the musty side). More immediately, we also need donations of chocolate that can be melted and used to make the chocolate vagina suckers that we will be selling at the shows. If you would like to donate any of these items, just bring them to the Women's Studies office. The chocolate is needed by February 8 so that there's sufficient time for the chocolate vaginas to be made.

5. Take part in the prior awareness events! In the days before the actual performances, L.I.P. Service is sponsoring two consciousness raising events to help promote the Vagina Monologues and its principles. The first of these is a screening of the documentary "Until the Violence Stops," which tells the story of how the Vagina Monologues grew into the V-Day organization. That is happening on Monday, February 9 at 4-7pm in CAS 133. The other is a teach-in on the women of the Congo, which is this year's beneficiary of VM profits. The teach-in will feature a presentation, documentary, and discussion on gender-based violence in the Congo and how the women of this region have experienced rape as a weapon of war. That event is happening on Tuesday, February 10 at 5-7pm in SU 335. We would like to see lots of L.I.P. Service members at these events -- all you need to do is show up (and bring some friends). If you're interested in helping out with these events in some way (e.g., facilitating discussion) please e-mail us and let me know. Otherwise, all you have to do is show up.

Let us know how you'd like to take part in any of the above, and we'll make it happen! Thanks for your involvement, and we're looking forward to an awesome semester!!