Monday, July 27, 2009

Presenting Your New 2009-2010 LIP Service Officers!

Hi all-
The ballots have been counted, and the new officers are in! The president is now Shandi... Vice is Melanie... Tresurer is Arianna... Secretary is Meredith... and Communications is Katie.

We've been gathering ideas all summer, and are eager to post the official events calendar real soon. We look forward to see every single one of you at the events. As always we are accepting new members- both female and male. Please don't hesitate to contact us at the email on the page with any questions regarding L.I.P. Service- the purpose of the group- general questions- etc!

See You Soon!
~LIP Services Officers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I look forward to your events and starting off the new year! :o)