Friday, February 6, 2009

Event Announcement: Vagina Monologues -- Prior Awareness Events & Performances

1. "Until the Violence Stops" screening -- This Sundance documentary tells the story of how the Vagina Monologues grew into the V-Day organization. Come join us for the film, snacks, and conversation!

Date: Monday, February 9
Time: 4-7pm
Location: CAS 133

2. Teach-In on Violence Against Women in the Congo -- This event will offer information about the women of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the sexual violence that is used against them as a weapon of war in that nation's civil conflict. Discussion will be led by a panel of experts:

  • Wendy Lehman: MA in International Peace Studies and activist with Christian Peacemaker Teams working in the DRC
  • Dr. Timothy Scarnecchia: Assistant Professor of African History, Kent State University
  • Dr. Kirk Arden Hoppe: Associate Professor of African & World History, The University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Dr. TJ Boisseau: Associate Professor of Gender & Cultural History, The University of Akron
  • Rosa Githiora: MPA in public administration and UA graduate student specializing in gender-based violence in Africa

The campaign on behalf of Congolese women has been selected by V-Day to receive a portion of the profits from this year's performances of the Vagina Monologues. Come join us to learn about the experience of the women of the Congo and to enjoy some light refreshments.

Date: Friday, February 13
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Location: Student Union Theater

3. Vagina Monologues performances -- Doors open at 6:30pm with the program starting promptly at 7pm with a performance showcasing the talents of local belly dancers, Yelena Tarakova and Sarah Malak, and will be followed directly by the monologues. Festivities will also include a bake sale and fun V-day goodies available for purchase. The Clothesline Project, featuring T-shirts made by local survivors, will be on display both evenings. Advance tickets for the Vagina Monologues can be purchased through the Women's Studies Program office, located in Shrank Hall North, Room 58, Monday through Friday, 11:00am-5:00pm, or by calling 330-972-7008. Tickets are $12 for general admission and $8 for University of Akron affiliates (students, faculty, and staff) and are non-refundable. Tickets will also be available at the door before each performance.

Dates: Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February 14
Time: 7pm
Leigh Hall, John S. Knight Auditorium


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