Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our first group meeting of the new school year!

Hi everyone! I'm reposting below the information about our first group meeting of the academic year. If you're interested in taking part in the group but are unable to attend the meeting, please leave comments on this post regarding topics or suggestions that you would like have addressed and we will be sure to add them to the agenda. Alternately, we will post a review of the meeting in the following days, and you can feel free to make your voice heard through commenting then.

Here's our meeting announcement:
Are you interested in helping to raise awareness about issues of gender equity? How about working to end violence against women? If you're looking for a way to become active on campus and to take part in a student organization that is both action-oriented and fun, then consider becoming a part of L.I.P. Service: Liberation in Progress -- UA's new group dedicated to promoting action and awareness of gender equity! We will be having our first organizational meeting of the new year on September 3 @ 4:30pm in the Women's Studies department -- Schrank Hall North 58, where we will discuss plans for this year's activities and events that relate to our theme of ending violence against women. We will also be providing free pizza, so come check us out and share your ideas for action!


SarieMD12 said...

I was unable to meet on Wednesday (sorry!) but I'm very interested in being involved with L.I.P.! I am president of American Medical Women's Assc and Medical Students for Choice at NEOUCOM and had a few ideas of collabortion between these groups and LIP. Please email me as to how I can be involved despite missing this meeting and/or possible collabortions. Thanks!!

vac7 said...

Hello! I was not able to make the meeting on wednesday but look forward to attending the next one. I wanted to say that it would be nice to see some links to certain feminist orginizations/blogs on here. A couple that I check regularly are feministing.com and national partnership for women and families, the articles get to the point and are very informative. Just thought I'd share. Thanks!

Raekella_bella said...

Hello there! I too could not make it last Wednesday, I want to go to the meeting this Wednesday.

L.I.P. Service said...

Thanks for the comments, folks! Valerie and Raekelle, we got the messages that you sent to the official group e-mail address, so you'll be included in the group registration process and are now on the mailing list, too.

SarieMD -- L.I.P. Service would definitely be interested in collaborating with different groups such as yours! I'm not sure how to get a hold of you, but if you want to drop us a quick message at the group e-mail address (lipservice.ua @gmail.com) then we can discuss some details.

Thanks again! :)