Thursday, October 15, 2009


We are baking like crazy, this Sunday 1-6 at Meredith's. Have flour, sugar, etc. you would like to donate? Need directions or a ride? Let us know! Email

We will have the bake sale this coming week... We need volunteers to come sit & sell our fun & informative cookies & chocolate pops! Dates & Times:
Monday October 19th 11:30-3pm
Tuesday October 20th 5-8pm
Wednesday October 21st 11:30-4pm


Friday October 23rd 6-8pm in Student Union room 335
Co-hosting with MAMA (mother’s achieving more academically)
Dress as your favorite gender equity hero
Games, food, contests
We are also accepting food and decoration donations

Thursday, October 29th @ 6:45 in CAS 135
Come & enjoy the movie MISERY in preparation for Halloween
Some free popcorn, followed by a discussion of the film!

General Meeting Minutes October 7th

Present: Meredith Clark (President), Lindsay Newton (Vice President), Katie Riffle (Communications Chair), Valerie Cosner (VOX Committee Chair)

  1. Welcome (Meredith)
    1. Thanks for coming
    2. Introductions
    3. Please fill out signup sheet
  2. Address Change in Board (Meredith)
    1. Explain that there were some issues with the former board but the new board is excited to really get going with the group
    2. Open positions provide opportunity for new board members, if interested please e-mail us or talk with us after the meeting

i. Treasurer

ii. Secretary

  1. Take Back the Night (Meredith)
    1. March to spread awareness about violence against women, will be outside (potentially very cold/wet) so dress appropriately, childcare available
    2. Friday October 9th 6-9pm Firestone Park Community Center at 1480 Girard Street

i. Valerie

ii. Kandra

    1. Carpool option

i. Women’s Studies Office, Schrank North 58 leaving at 5:30pm

ii. Anyone available to assist with carpool?? Need to be outside office by 5:15pm with car and directions

iii. Flyers available online for all who are interested

iv. There will be a LIP Service table at the event, for those who are interested in assisting please let me know

  1. VOX Committee (Meredith introduces Valerie)
    1. Introduce Valerie Cosner, our new VOX committee chair who is collaborating with us from Planned Parenthood
    2. Valerie describes relationship to Planned Parenthood, what VOX is, the goals of VOX

i. to advocate for women’s health

ii. Prevention First Legislation

    1. Describe and pass out cards to fill out, option of members taking some with them
    2. Discuss Youth Summit on October 17th
    3. Discuss Bar Hop November 13th or 14th

i. Goals

ii. Those who can be involved

  1. Announce National Coming Out Day (Lindsay)
    1. October 11th, 2009
    2. Discuss events and pamphlets

i. Saturday LGBT 700 East Exchange

ii. 17th Mocha Maiden 7-9pm 18th

  1. Bake Sale (Lindsay)
    1. Baking Day Sunday October 18th 1-6pm at 1229 Gaylan Drive in Cuyahoga Falls

i. Baking and packaging materials needed for donations to be dropped off in the women’s studies office by Friday October 17th by 3pm or at the above address on baking day

ii. Drop off donated goods by Friday 16th in Women’s Studies Office by 3pm

iii. Donation of pre-baked goods accepted as well

1. brownies

2. muffins

3. rice krispie treats

4. nothing with frosting

    1. Option of getting ride from campus to Cuyahoga Falls available, please let us know
    2. Actual Bake Sale coincides with Love Your Body Day
    3. Bake Sale Days in Olin Hall

i. Monday October 19th 11:30-3pm

ii. Tuesday October 20th 5-8pm

iii. Wednesday October 21st 11:30-4pm

    1. Volunteers needed for all times, please let us know
  1. Halloween Party (Katie)
    1. Friday October 23rd 6-8pm in Student Union room 335
    2. Dress as your favorite gender equity hero
    3. Co-hosting with MAMA (mother’s achieving more academically)
    4. Games, food, contests
    5. Also accepting food and decoration donations
    6. Anyone interested in assisting with creating games let us know
  2. Third Popcorn Discussion Night (Meredith)
    1. Thursday October 29th at 6:45pm in CAS 135
    2. Movie to be announced
  3. Concluding Remarks (Meredith)
    1. Thanks for coming
    2. Next general meeting Tuesday November 4th at 3:15pm Schrank North 58, see you there
    3. Any comments or questions from the members

i. Suicide by LGBT student, memorial service 7pm tonight outside library

ii. Kevin (ASG)

1. help with student government

2. travel, registration fees

3. marketing help

4. Lee Gill: chair of Diversity Council

a. Students will help influence policy

b. October 23rd

c. 1-4pm

d. Fill out sheet and hand into Kevin at ASG

    1. Pass around bake sale sign up both for cooking and table
    2. Discuss with future potential board members

i. Laura

ii. Arienne

iii. Vinny

1. credit hours

2. gender related courses

3. experience on board, group leadership

4. why you’d be good….