Friday, December 5, 2008

Highlights from the Mandatory Meeting

Below is a brief rundown of some of what we discussed during the mandatory meeting. We're especially looking for feedback, suggestions, commitments for involvement, and general comments from the people who were not able to make it to the in-person meeting.

--> Membership cards
We handed out membership cards. These are punch cards on which you will receive a punch for each time you attend a L.I.P. Service event. Prizes will be given to the member(s) who attend the most events over the course of next semester. Ideas for potential prizes included:
  • massage at the Wellness Center
  • bookstore gift card
  • gift card to University stores
  • 1 year supply of hemp soap (donated by member Jeremy K)
  • E.J. Thomas tickets
  • Art Museum passes
  • Hattie’s cafĂ© coupon
  • Zoo tickets
  • gift basket for exam week/relaxation
If you were not at the event to get a punch card, please pick one up at the Women's Studies office.

--> Event Ideas

We will be involved with the production of the Vagina Monologues that Women's Studies is doing, and we will be having a self-defense training class (possibly in March). Brainstorming for other event ideas included:

  • Another round of the "To End Violence Against Women, Please Click Here" game show
  • "Debunking myths about feminism" event of some kind
  • Volunteering to partner with Rape Crisis Center on their annual "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event
  • Educating the campus community about issues related to sexual assault through things such as: educating about consent (possibly partnering with the Rape Crisis Center to do so), having people sign a pledge to avoid nonconsensual sex, passing out condoms and info on consent, and doing some sort of live-action consciousness raising (such as beating a drum every 2 minutes on Buchtel Common to represent the frequency of domestic violence)
  • Partnering in some way with pro-choice organizations

--> Fundraising
We need to do something to help raise money for the group, since we do not collect membership fees. Here are some potential ideas:

  • Bake sale (split proceeds between us and Rape Crisis Center)
  • Auction or raffle
  • Selling signature "sponsorship" (like when Walgreens gets you to donate $1 for March of Dimes and then you write your name on a little paper shoe to be hung up in the store)
  • Something associated with selling stuff during the Vagina Monologues (perhaps people have things they could donate?)

So -- what are you interested in? What are you willing to do to help out with any of the above?


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

MANDATORY In-Person Business Meeting

We are having a mandatory, all-member group business meeting to discuss our plans for next semester. If you are unable to attend this meeting but are interested in remaining an active member of the group, please send an e-mail to the group account:

What: Mandatory business meeting for ALL members
When: Wednesday, December 3 @ 4-5pm
Where: Student Union 308

Because this meeting will be taking place during the week before finals, we are also hoping to make this an opportunity to enjoy some snacks and engage in de-stressing activities. Keep an eye on your e-mail for a reminder message where we'll have more specifics hammered out.

Event Announcement: World AIDS Day tabling

Please join us on World AIDS Day, December 1, for a consciousness-raising event focused on the connection between the AIDS pandemic and violence against women. We will be tabling in the Student Union concourse between 10am and 2pm, where we will be handing out information on this issue as well as pamphlets from Community AIDS Network, condoms and red ribbons by which you can demonstrate your commitment to stopping the spread of AIDS.

When: Monday, December 1, 2008 @ 10-2
Where: Student Union concourse (2nd floor)
What: Information table
Why: Highlighting the link between AIDS and violence against women

Monday, October 27, 2008

Event Announcement: Movie night to celebrate American women's suffrage

Join L.I.P. Service for a movie night as we celebrate the upcoming election and honor the brave women who fought for American women's right to vote. We will be showing the film "Iron Jawed Angels," which recounts the struggle of suffragists who fought for the passage of the 19th Amendment, as well as enjoying some pizza and pop.

Where: Women's Studies office, Schrank Hall North 58
When: Monday, November 3 @ 4-6pm

If you have questions, as always, send an e-mail to

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reminder: Halloween Party this Friday!

Please join L.I.P. Service and Women's Studies for a Halloween party this Friday (10/24) from 4-8pm at the Women's Studies office, Schrank Hall North 58. We will be enjoying pizza and pop, playing some games, making some art, screening some scary movies, and raising money to end violence against women! Come learn more about L.I.P. Service's activities and plans for the year as well as the Women's Studies minor and certificate programs. Costumes are optional but highly encouraged!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Online Meeting: 10/10/08 to 10/17/08

*Please leave comments in order to participate in the meeting! When commenting, for purposes of clarity please reference the section on which you are commenting in your reply. This meeting will be considered open for "attendance" for 10/10 through 10/17.*

I. October event #2: Halloween costume party!

-- October 24 @ 4-8pm in the Women's Studies office, Schrank Hall North 58

A. L.I.P. Service is sharing in the Women's Studies program's Halloween party as a fun way to celebrate the holiday and recruit more members. Please plan to join us for fun and games as well as an opportunity to be more involved in the group and learn more about the Women's Studies minor. Costumes are optional but highly encouraged!

1. We need people to volunteer to help out by working the different stations and tables at the party. Here are what we'll be having – please let us know if any sound interesting to you!

- Name Game (Guess who is on your back based on someone’s clues to you)

- Mummy Game (Wrap a friend in toilet paper, send them to the finish line quicker than the other mummies)

- Collage Art (Working on a huge feminist collage)

- Adam and Eve Game (Pin the Leaf on Adam or Eve paper figures)

- Serving food (pizza and pop, passing out trick-or-treater bags for completing a series of activities)

- Informational tables (providing information on L.I.P. Service, Vagina Monologues, and possible violence against women handouts)

- Donation table (People will donate money towards our cause: violence against women and get to write their name on a paper pumpkin or leaf to be displayed in the Women's Studies windows)

2. We need the following things donated for the event. (This is also a good way to help out if you CANNOT attend the party.)

- Pop

- Bags of candy

- Trick-or-treating bags

- Toilet paper for mummy game

- Sidewalk chalk (needed before the day of Oct. 24)

- Construction paper / art supplies

3. Any other questions / concerns / thoughts about the party?

II. Plans for future group events

A. November: Movie night

-- November 3 @ 4-6pm in the Women's Studies office, Schrank Hall North 58

1. As a reminder of the significance of women's right to vote, we will be watching the film "Iron Jawed Angels" about the suffragettes. As IMDB summarizes: "Defiant young activists take the women's suffrage movement by storm, putting their lives at risk to help American women win the right to vote." Our plan is to enjoy pizza and pop, and maybe popcorn and cotton candy, as part of our movie night.

2. Would you be interested in helping out at the event in some way?

3. Another movie night opportunity to pass along: Women's Studies will be showing part one of a documentary on human trafficking on November 24 3-4:30pm in CBA 139.

4. Do you have any other ideas for a November event that you'd like to see happen?

B. December: World AIDS Day consciousness-raising

-- December 1 @ 10am-2pm in the Student Union

1. We will be having a table in the concourse of the Student Union to hand out red ribbons and share information on the worldwide AIDS pandemic and its relationship to the issue of violence against women.

2. Would you be interested in helping to staff the table?

3. Another movie night opportunity to pass along: Women's Studies will be showing part two of a documentary on human trafficking on December 1 @ 3-4:30pm in CBA 139.

C. January: Game show event

1. We will have a redux of our successful game show event "To End Violence Against Women, Please CLICK HERE." Details on date, time, and location will be announced at a later date.

2. Do you have any suggestions for added topics, improvements, etc.?

D. February: The Vagina Monologues

-- February 13 & 14 @ 7pm at Knight Auditorium in Leigh Hall

1. L.I.P. Service will be helping with the Women's Studies production of the Vagina Monologues. We need volunteers for acting, lights, sound, ushers, ticket takers, selling tickets, etc.!

2. If you're interested in taking part in some way, the Women's Studies office will be holding the first organizational meeting soon. The same meeting will be held twice, so if you can not make it to one please join us for the second. The meeting days and times are as follows:

-- October 29, 2008 (Wednesday) at 2pm in the Student Union 323

-- October 30, 2008 (Thursday) at 2pm in the Student Union 323

E. March: Self-defense class

1. Tentatively, the Green Dragon martial arts club might be willing to provide a self-defense class just for L.I.P. Service members. This is still in development. Would you be interested in this as a possible event?

F. April: Pledge to end sexual assault

1. April is sexual assault awareness month. We are considering having some sort of event where we raise peoples' awareness of what it means to offer consent and to ensure that sexual involvement is always a consensual act between willing partners. This might involve having students sign a pledge to actively seek consent/avoid sexually assaultive behaviors. Would you be interested in this as a possible event?

III. Other business

A. T-shirts: we finally have our organizational financial accounts sorted out, so we will be placing an order for shirts very soon. If you have already placed/paid for an order, you will be contacted once they come in, and will be able to pick them up during regular office hours at the Women's Studies office. If you're interested in purchasing a shirt but have not placed an order yet, now is the time! Bring cash or check (made out to The University of Akron) for $15 to the Women's Studies office and fill out an order form.

B. Scrapbooking committee: we would like for L.I.P. Service to maintain a scrapbook of photos and other content from all of our events. If you are an arts-n-craftsy sort of person and would like to be involved in putting together our group scrapbook, please consider joining the scrapbooking committee! For more information or to sign up, please contact committee chair Shireda Duncan at

IV. Any other questions / comments / other issues to be raised that were not addressed above?

Thanks, everyone! We look forward to hearing your feedback!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Event Announcement: Take Back the Night rally

Join L.I.P. Service and Rape Crisis Centers of Summit and Medina Counties for this year's Take Back the Night rally -- a movement to raise awareness about and commit to end sexual violence.

When: Friday, October 10 @ 6-9pm
Where: First Grace United Church of Christ -- 350 S. Portage Path, Akron

For more information on Take Back the Night:

Volunteers are needed to help with the event (setting up, clean up, bringing baked goods, etc.), so please e-mail us ( if you're interested in being a volunteer! As always, feel free to contact us with questions or post your questions in comments.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Event Announcement: Game show to raise awareness about violence against women

This Tuesday, September 23 at 2 - 4pm L.I.P. Service: Liberation in Progress will be sponsoring a fun and interactive game event titled "To End Violence Against Women Please CLICK HERE." This quiz-show-style game will be an exciting opportunity to spend time with fellow action-oriented students and help to raise awareness about issues related to violence against women, including domestic abuse, sexual assault, and female genital mutilation. We will also be using this as an opportunity to help raise money for Rape Crisis of Summit and Medina Counties, so come join us for a fun and educational consciousness raising event!

Location: Student Union room 316

Monday, September 8, 2008

Agenda from the informational meeting

L.I.P. Service
Informational Meeting
Wednesday September 3rd
4:30 pm

I. Welcome
II. Introduction of Organization
a. Tag line
i. "Promoting Action and Awareness of Gender Equity"
b. Philosophy/Mission
i. To act as a resource for feminists on The University of Akron campus.
ii. To address issues and concerns relating to women and affecting women on campus as well as in the community.
iii. To serve as a safe community/support system for women on campus.
iv. To assist the Women’s Studies Program with events.
c. Focus
i. This year's focus: raising awareness of and ending violence against women
d. Meeting Times
i. Most meetings will take place via the blog; announcements of "meetings" will be sent via the e-mailing list
e. Membership requirements/duties
i. Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Akron of any gender identity. A 2.0 GPA is required to participate in any campus organizations. No membership fee is required. Suggested minimum involvement for membership is some participation in online meetings and attending at least one event per semester. This minimum qualifies members to run for officer positions for the next year.
Introduction of Officers
f. Stephanie Cunningham – President
g. Alyssa Berthiaume – Vice President
h. Shireda Duncan – Treasurer
i. Cassie Simpson – Assistant Treasurer
j. Kameka Fullwood – co-advisor
k. Patricia Milhoff – advisor
Event Plans
l. September’s Event: "To End Violence Against Women Please CLICK HERE" – interactive game show (complete with prizes) to be held September 23 at 2-4pm in Student Union room 312.
m. October’s Event: Take Back the Night – speaking out rally and march raising awareness of survivors of sexual and domestic violence to be held October 10.
n. Next semester – The Vagina Monologues, February 13 and 14. Sponsored by Women's Studies; L.I.P. Service will be assisting throughout the project. Sign up with Kameka to be involved in performing, assisting with technical work, promotion, etc.
Open-Forum Discussion
o. Students' input of November’s event
i. Suggestion of engaging in a fundraiser or collection of items to benefit a local shelter
Sign-up to join!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our first group meeting of the new school year!

Hi everyone! I'm reposting below the information about our first group meeting of the academic year. If you're interested in taking part in the group but are unable to attend the meeting, please leave comments on this post regarding topics or suggestions that you would like have addressed and we will be sure to add them to the agenda. Alternately, we will post a review of the meeting in the following days, and you can feel free to make your voice heard through commenting then.

Here's our meeting announcement:
Are you interested in helping to raise awareness about issues of gender equity? How about working to end violence against women? If you're looking for a way to become active on campus and to take part in a student organization that is both action-oriented and fun, then consider becoming a part of L.I.P. Service: Liberation in Progress -- UA's new group dedicated to promoting action and awareness of gender equity! We will be having our first organizational meeting of the new year on September 3 @ 4:30pm in the Women's Studies department -- Schrank Hall North 58, where we will discuss plans for this year's activities and events that relate to our theme of ending violence against women. We will also be providing free pizza, so come check us out and share your ideas for action!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Group logo and branding

Dear L.I.P. Service group members,

One of our members has recently raised some concerns regarding the rebranding of the group and the content of our logo as exhibiting an image that is inconsistent with our empowerment and liberation agenda. (As an aside, I hope that I'm characterizing the concerns accurately, and I apologize if I'm not -- I want to make sure that I'm doing justice to the very valid points that were made.) I thought that I might share with everyone in the group part of the thought process behind the rebranding in case other members have similar concerns to which they have not yet given voice. This was my individual response (in part) to the concerns raised, so the first-person perspective is from me (Stephanie). The rest of the executive board has expressed agreement with the content.

First off, I wanted to note that our image in general and logo in particular is something into which we (as the executive board) have put a lot of thought. I understand the concern that this is not expressing the sort of empowerment message that we are intending with the group, and I think that is a reasonable concern. When thinking about the branding of this group, I for one felt that we needed to move the UA feminist student group toward an orientation that is more liberal feminist, and to reflect this in our new image. My rationale for this, based on my experience both as an activist and researcher, is that young college women (as well as men) have a lot of negative stereotypes about feminism and are going to need a branding of the group that is not immediately and aggressively confrontational to their gender stereotypes. Once we get them interested in what feminism is all about, *that* is the point at which these stereotypes can be challenged and they can begin to embrace an identity as feminist. However, if we can't even attract their interest because of prohibitive stereotypes of what feminists are like, we have failed in our mission before we even start. I personally embrace a radical feminist orientation and would love to eschew all gender stereotypes in every single aspect of my personal and professional life, but my familiarity with the extant research literature on cognitive change has led me to believe that this is the most effective course of changing how our peers engage with the idea of feminism.

I also, however, don't want to give the impression that I want to shoot down discussion about the logo and branding. Collaboration and distribution of power is at the very root of feminism, and I'm totally open to changing things. At this point in the academic year, however, decisions needed to be made about how to present the group for the new school year without the benefit of much input from our members. This included developing marketing materials, of which the shirts were one element. This process of branding is an iterative one, not a static one, and I think that we can make this a point of discussion in upcoming all-member group meetings so that we can develop an image with which the majority of our members are comfortable.

To provide some background on the development of the branding, we did decide to go with "L.I.P. Service" because of the idea of giving voice to women and feminist issues. We liked the irony of that idea (and the accompanying activism) juxtaposed with the status-quo implications of "giving lip service" to feminist issues. That was the basis of the renaming of the group. As for the logo itself, it was intended as another thought-provoking juxtaposition by combining the "masculine" military font with the "feminine" kiss print (sort of like a visual counterpart to what's expressed in the name "Guerrilla Girls"). The intention was not to express any sexual implications per se, but again I personally liked the subtle reappropriation of the sexualized lips placed in a context of being "militant" against women's oppression. I feel that the logo does a good job of being subversive in this subtle way, while again not necessarily alienating young women (and men) who perhaps are not as advanced in their feminist consciousness but who might be interested in learning more about feminism. I think it's also important to remember that in almost any context in which this logo will be present, there will be other indications that it is not about blowjobs but about empowerment – the motto of the group would also be on any promotional materials aside from the shirts, and in situations where we'd be wearing the shirts they will be ones in which it is clear that we are in fact representing a feminist group.

We will be having our first all-member meeting on September 3 @ 4:30pm in the Women's Studies department. I'll send a reminder with more details in the upcoming weeks. And of course, we are *always* open to discussion, and would be happy to keep this on the table as an item of business for our first group meeting.

In sisterhood,


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Welcome to the new face of UA's feminist organization!

Dear UAkron feminists,

This is a quick message from our University of Akron feminist student organization, checking in to say hello and share some information about our current plans for the upcoming academic year. We have some big changes to share, and we wanted to make sure that everyone is on the same page!

First off, our organization has up to this point been known as “Support in Sisterhood.” During a recent executive board meeting, however, we decided that this name did not convey the sort of snazzy feminist fun that we were hoping to project. We have since filed for an organizational name change through the SOuRCe, and (assuming this is accepted) we will henceforth be known as “LIP Service,” with the “LIP” part as an acronym for “Liberation in Progress.” We felt that this was a fun, inclusive name that expresses a boisterous personality, is subversively feminine, and hints at the idea of giving voice to feminist issues. If anyone would like to discuss the name change, feel free to post about it here.

Speaking of the blog – we also need to let you know about changes to how we will be communicating with you all from this point on. Previously we had been using our Yahoo group (SISisterhood both to send out announcements and to facilitate some discussions. Toward the end of last schoolyear, we added our Blogspot ( as a means by which to have online meetings. We have decided that we will be abandoning the Yahoo group, and that announcements will come from the Gmail address associated with this blog. We will use the blog for posting announcements, online meetings, and discussions. To correspond with our new name and new Gmail address, the blog is now located HERE -- please bookmark it and consider checking it regularly as part of your daily online routine!

We have started working on some plans for activities for the new year, including having a table at the new student orientation Roo Fest celebration, having a barbeque kick-off event (see the original blog for details), and engaging in some consciousness raising. Our theme for this year will be violence against women, and we hope to increase students’ awareness of this issue through some on-campus activities. With all of these exciting new plans for this upcoming school year, we would appreciate it if everyone who would like to continue to be involved with the group could send a quick reply to this message to indicate your interest and be kept on the mailing list. Also, if you have comments, questions or ideas, PLEASE share them on the blog!

We hope that everyone is having a fantastic summer, and we’re looking forward to a terrific year of feminist fun and action! We hope you’ll join us! :)

In sisterhood,

LIP Service executive board